As an entrepreneur are you leveraging email marketing? No! Why not? Is Is it because you’re still trying to figure out how does email marketing works? It can be cumbersome, however, it’s a must.
Many entrepreneurs depend heavily on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and so on to connect. What many entrepreneurs fail to recognize is that they lack control over social media. If you’re relying on a third-party platform remember you must obey their rules and conditions. What happens when you violate one of them? Will they ban you? What will you do?
Email marketing is your lifeline to a community of people who have given you access to their daily life through email. Remember, it can start with an email and move to a cell number, mailing address and so on. Email mailing is not a one-dimensional tool.
Think about how emails are used by others to drive you to…
1. Purchase a product or service
2. Remind you of an event, promotion, or their brand
3. Stay informed on certain topics and industries
4. Keep their business, products, and services in mind
5. Build a positive rapport with the company
Quick question. From the list above which results would serve your business best? Couldn’t you use more sales? We definitely can. There’s real power behind email marketing and that’s why billion dollar and Fortune 500 companies are using it.
To be honest, this is not easy. No matter what, you must start somewhere and that’s why we’re sharing this video on the 9 best practice tips on how to send a marketing email.
When you’re ready, use the right email marketing resource. Many aren’t. To make sure you don’t start wrong here’s a link to the provider we use to send out email campaigns. Give their free trial offer a try. We’ve been with 1 AutomationWiz for a very long time.
Just remember this, to do email marketing legally and correct you must have a service to allow recipients to unsubscribe.
RESOURCE: 1 AutomationWiz