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“… generated me a return on my investment within 3 months.”

“…very patient and kind…”

“VERY pleased with the
quality of the work.”

“If you’re an entrepreneur and
you’d like to get exposure, there’s nothing like what C.F. Jackson
could do for you.”
Here’s why people use iDefine TV
Are you asking how and why others are using iDefine TV? Here are few case use examples below. There are many reasons and these reasons are unique to each of these leaders’ business needs and goals.
National TV Exposure
Kelly Cole extended as part of his marketing offer national exposure for his authors. Offering this benefit gives his published authors an edge over their competition and his competitors.
In addition to the other components within his marketing package, he included iDefine TV as a value add. He kicked off a series on iDefine TV titled Author’s Corner. The authors of the Publishing Advantage Group; are featured during a one-on-one interview. During the interview, authors discuss their book, personal story, and how viewers can purchase their book. The in-depth interview is broadcast on iDefine TV.

Production & Coaching
Steve LaBroi has implemented iDefine TV’s services and assistance in multiple ways to drive his business with video and TV.
Steve initially enlisted the services of iDefine TV to film and produce for several educational and branding video projects. He used the time during these video projects to receive one-on-one coaching on how to present on video.
Next, he decided to air his produced footage on iDefine TV to expand his reach outside of social media to drive his brand, capture new leads, and gain credibility as an expert in his industry.

Complete Production
The Delta Cultural Center reached out to iDefine TV to be its official media team during the annual King Biscuit Blues Festival.
The organization enlisted iDefine TV’s services to film the music artists who performed on their stage during the 4-day event. Then iDefine takes the captured video footage and produce DVDs to be sold in their gift shop.
Annually, iDefine TV film anywhere between 11 to 14 music artists, design the organization’s DVD packaging, produce the DVDs, and spotlight a few of the artists to stream on iDefine TV.