Have you ever wanted one or may be two of your videos to go viral? You know… where thousands are viewing and sharing it? Come on! You can be honest. I’m sure we’ve both seen a hand full of viral videos over the years. Right? How they become a phenom can be mind blowing. One thing not mentioned in this “how to” article that is to make sure your video has an end in mind because once you reach that viral point, you want to be able to capitalize off of it. Right?
Want to Go Viral? 4 Ways to Get Viewers to Share Your Videos
Ever wonder what it takes for a video to net millions of views? Well you can stop wondering.
Advertising publication AdAge recently released its first ever Viral Video Awards, a contest looking for the biggest tear-jerker ad and the funniest video ad. The respective winners were Expedia’s “Find Your Understanding,” a video depicting a father traveling to his lesbian daughter’s wedding and Liquid-Plumr’s “Double Impact,” a plumber video full of innuendos.
While these are huge companies pouring resources into production, videos don’t go viral based on budget but rather content. Take for example… Read more…